Over 750 trees planted.

Over 750 trees planted.

This Black Friday coincided with National Tree Week. We figured, what better opportunity to give something back to nature.

Black Friday is always a busy week of business. We thought it would be a good opportunity to donate a share of our takings to the fantastic people at Plants with Purpose, so they can continue their critical work of reforestation.

We are delighted to announce that because of the amazing community of sustainable pet owners chipping in, we were able to donate enough to plant over 750 trees.

We're so grateful to have such an amazing community around us, supporting and facilitating these donations. Let's hear it for each and every one of you, Plant with Purpose and of course... the humble tree.

750 Trees: what that means in the long run.

Once fully grown, each tree will absorb 21kg of CO2 every year. On average, that's 1 tonne of CO2 in a tree's lifetime. So, this group of saplings has the potential to absorb over 750 tonnes of CO2 from the atmosphere.

They will be a place for wildlife to rest, nest, hunt and rear their young. Once each tree has lived a long life, its decaying logs retain moisture and nutrients, supporting new plant growth and wildlife.

plant with purpose logo

Plant with Purpose is a non-profit organisation that works in developing countries around the world. Their main goal is to combat poverty by healing damaged ecosystems, improving nutrition, plus increasing household savings and opportunities in deprived areas.

They do this through reforestation. So far, their efforts have seen over 28 million trees planted around the world. Not only does this help tackle poverty in some of the least developed areas, it’s an initiative that also helps slow down the urgent and ongoing threat of deforestation. Their work has never been so important so please contribute in any way you can.