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Managing our impact

Managing our impact

We’ve been busy. Crunching numbers, changing our ways and making plans for the future. And, at the same time asking those around us do the same. We’ve helped improve the working conditions in our supply chain, updated our materials, offset our carbon footprint and partnered with incredible causes. But, we don't claim to be perfect. In fact, we're far from it.

It's a journey of continuous improvement. Whilst we continue searching for new (and better) ways to bring your dog joy, we'll continue supporting positive environmental action. It's all for the love of dogs and our planet.

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Our Story

It'll always be a
work in progress.

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We work to have a big (and positive) impact on you and your pet's life, with as little impact on the planet as possible.

Which bag is best?

Choosing the right
bag for you.

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Making tails wag since 2009